Mozenda Support: We’re Here to Help – Mozenda

Mozenda Support: We’re Here to Help

February 28, 2015

kenny Mozenda SupportI’d like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Kenny Nielsen and I am the Technical Support Manager here at Mozenda. I take pride in making every interaction with our customers a positive one.

If there is something we can do to help you be more successful, I want to hear about it. My email is kenny.nielsen@mozenda.comor you can reach me by phone at +1-801-995-4550 ext 7410. We are feverishly working on our new Mozenda Client Training Program. This program, together with its instructional documentation, is based on Mozenda’s own internal training program and will provide you with the examples and instructions you need to master Mozenda. Stay tuned. In the coming weeks, we will officially announce its release. And, we will share other informative blog posts offering Agent building tips, expert advise, and best practices. Getting data from the web is usually a straightforward process with Mozenda. Our product offers an intuitive point-and-click interface that makes getting data from any website easier than ever. With Mozenda, you can be on your way to getting the results you need in minutes with little training. Sometimes, however, you may have questions or need guidance. Mozenda’s highly trained professional support team is dedicated to helping you succeed. We will do everything we can to help you learn and become proficient with Mozenda so you can succeeded at scraping data from any website. Below, I’ve provided some information about the different ways you can interact with us. I look forward to working with you and helping you succeed using Mozenda. Regards, Kenny Nielsen Technical Support Manager

Icon-ContactSuppot-email-Transparent Email ) Seven out of 10 customers get the answers they need through email. We often respond to emails immediately, but we will always respond within 12-24 hours. If you have questions about a specific Agent, email us the Agent’s name or ItemID and a detailed description of the problem. We will review the Agent and reach out to you once we determine the best resolution. Send us an email

Icon-ContactSuppot-Phone-Transparent Phone ( +1-801-995-4550 ) We offer free technical support by phone. We are standing by ready to help during the following hours: Weekdays: 8 AM to 8 PM eastern time Saturday: 11 AM to 4 PM eastern time Sunday: Closed Depending on the issue and circumstance, we may suggest a screen-sharing session using GoToMeeting or direct you to a specific Help Center topic that addresses your needs.  When you call us, please be ready to provide us your Account and Agent information. View our company contact page

Icon-ContactSuppot-WebConsole-Transparent Web Console
The Mozenda Web Console provides comprehensive, context-sensitive help to guide you through using the Web Console. Access this help by clicking the question mark located in the top right corner.
If you need to send us a question or give us a suggestion, click the Submit a Request link also located in the top right corner. We will receive this request in our inbox and will review and respond to it within one business day. Click here to launch the Web Console

Icon-ContactSuppot-HelpCenter-Transparent Help Center
Interested in scraping data from PDF or Excel documents? How about publishing your results to an Amazon S3 account? Our comprehensive and informative Help Center teaches users how to perform these and hundreds of other tasks. You can search the Help Center with keywords such as “list pager” or “how to write an XPath” and you will be guided to the corresponding help documents and videos. If the help document you are looking for does not exist, send us an email and we will create one. Visit our Help Center

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